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from the desk of ada nowak, former inflamatory bowel disease sufferer and health consultant: this website is where i share the story about how i got back from the verge of "the other side" and how thousands of people are doing it every year following the principles of the holistic breakthrough protocol known as the isaac protocol.
dr. Alfred pischinger, head of the university of medicine in graz 1936-1945 the man on the picture on the above right if dr alfred pischinger and his work is crucial for what is today known for as the isaac protocol. The man who i have to thank for my blessed salvation, mr jacob isaac implemented a lot of the principles dr. Pischinger's work into his holistic protocol for crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis reversal.
but, let me be clear right from the start here because i don't want to waste your time if you ar enot a candidate for the healing with isaac protocol and then disapoint you.
how do you know if isaac protocol is right for you? as mr isaac explained to me, different set of contributing factors is present in difefrent people and isaac protocl can help only a fraction of all the susfferers of crohn's and ulcerative colitis patients.
on the other hand, if you don't have the 3 yess, the isaac protocol might offer relief but it will not heal you, i'm sorry.
before i found out about mr jacob isaac and his little practice in reims specializing solely in inflammatory disease of the intestine, i more detail
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