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hi, thank you for coming by. Are you aware that all the world's best musicians, without exceptions, play music by ear? there is a 95% chance you have that ability. With that ability, you can learn 12x (yes, twelve times) faster with the potential of being able to play many musical instruments quickly instead of plodding though years with one instrument at a time
this is not like any other piano by ear or whatever course you see on the internet or offline. This is the real play by ear method . I give you your money back if this is not going to work for you. Take my challenge and see if you can really acquire that basics of that ability within a short time now, before i start off, would you mind watching this video of a student of ours?
while you may aspire to play good music, there are problems you will face and i have highlighted them below. Start off wrongly and you could get turned off music forever the video may show problems faced by children but they are the same for adults too. See below:
now i am going to give you a solution on how to overcome these problems easily. Below is a video that demonstrates a child who learnt without my method and the results of one who learnt with my methods. Again, while it was done for children, it applies to adults too . See the video below:
have you ever wished that someone could teach you how to play music easily without all the tough methods that teachers are currently advocating? if yes, you should look at more detail
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