Wednesday, July 17, 2013

creating brand love

creating brand love

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when customers only have eyes for a certain brand, you can be sure they've fallen in love... "i absolutelylovedthis e-book. I'm a solopreneur and thought that great branding cost tons of money. Now i know doesn't." see below

re: why you like certain brands... Have you ever wondered why people stick with apple products even if they don't 'just work'? or why you always buy tetley tea (and know it tastes the same as other less expensive brands)? here's where you can find out the secret behind brand loyalty...and apply the same technique to your business.

if you have ever regularly praised one product over another honestly believing that it's better than one of the other very similar competitors on the market , now's the time to ask yourself why.

what made that particular brand stand out? did you use it in your childhood? did the advertising appeal to you? do you feel it matches your personality in some way? or was the price simply unbeatable? all the brands you use consistently have one common ingredient... They make you feel good about yourself. Think about it for a minute. If you used it during childhood, it reminds you of home and makes you feel cared for... The advertising makes you seem cool and included by your peers. It makes you feel valued... It matches your personality and creates empathy. It makes you feel understood ... You got value for money. It makes you feel smart and secure... For any individual, feeling good about yourself, is more detail

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