Thursday, March 21, 2013

Easy webinar plugin

easy webinar plugin

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the smart way for more traffic, more customers, more sales and more time. They are the number 1 solution for converting leads into sales, hands down why? because education/content based marketing creates a huge impact for building a trust and bond with your prospects by switching the focus from you to them. You see, by providing them something they want you make their decision to become a client, or sale nearly brainless.

however there are just a few problems that we found with webinars. The biggest issue, is that webinars are generally live online events, and as such you find yourself having to trade time for money. From a business standpoint, you may not have time to do 10-20 webinars a week because at some point, you have to focus on your existing customers or clients. You see, from a business point of view, webinars are not scalable. Unless of course, you have a skilled sales team doing the work for you.

well we have come up with a solution for you you can create a webinar one time and have it play over and over again based on the times that you choose. You can schedule your webinars to play in your timezone or your attendee's local timezone but still have the look and feel of a live webinar.
in fact for all intents and purposes it is live. You see our advanced system takes your presentation video and converts it to a live-streamed video to where you don't physically need to be there to put on the presentation, yet have almost the same level of more detail

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