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do you want to make money online? do you want to work with others to make huge profits? admit it - you're tired of working hard and not seeing anything for your efforts. No matter what you do, you feel like you're never going to get anywhere and you're never going to succeed. Maybe it's not that you're doing things wrong, but that you need help. Maybe you need to do something besides just working for yourself. Maybe you need to get with the crowd. Crowd funding is becoming a popular way for people to create big profits for not so much money. And while you may not have heard of these groups just yet, you will. And you might just want to take part when you're done reading this extensive and detailed book.
though you may not have heard of crowd funding just yet, it's not a strange concept. This is something that is built on the idea that more than one head is always a better option for business. And when those heads can contribute money, that's all the better. In "using crowd-funding sites," we're going to look at these ideas:
what is crowd funding? spreading the word through crowd funding the influence of the crowd examples of a crowd-funding campaign moving forward
when you're done with this section, you will be excited and ready to go since you're going to know what you're doing, how to do it, and what needs to be done next.
wait... What do i do next? once you have a crowd-funding campaign in place, you need to know what to do with it. There's no more detail
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