Saturday, February 16, 2013

Clubbell flow evolution™ | dare to evolve

Clubbell flow evolution™ | dare to evolve

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there are so many important things competing for our attention: the thing is, many of us actually are trying to do the right thing by attending to all of it. All at once. Which we can t. Not all at once.

only, there's a catch. When in that state of feeling: it can be very difficult to figure out what is the most important. If only we could just get out of the insanity of it all. Keep at bay those unrelenting forces for a moment of reprieve, so we can get some perspective on it all

mmmmmm yeah that would be nice except and it comes at us like a hurricane. It has us running for cover, as we attempt to find ways to ward off the seemingly negative impact we feel in it's aftermath. That is where we begin to create our escapes .

whatever fortitude we had to fight the hurricane eventually gives, because it will always win. It is not meant to be beaten. We crack, giving way for our need to find a sliver of peace, a moment of serenity .

for many people, the practice of creating serenity in their lives is to actually shut life out. We often see pictures or videos meant to represent serenity. A room or space that has no disruption. There's no sound or if there is, it is serene music. Everything that is hectic, intense and disruptive is shut out. Then serenity can be found.

or conversely, sources of entertainment such as tv, movies and video games move beyond just entertainment and instead become the means to shut everything out so we can more detail

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